When you use External Block List for Malicious IP with your PaloAlto, you need API Key for your server to refresh the list whenever you update the content. The API key syntax for PAN OS 7 and 8 is different and it will take your time after you upgrade PAN OS. So here is the solution what I've tested. Syntax for 7 is https://<firewall IP>/api/?type=op&cmd=<request><system><external-list><refresh><name>Type your EBL Name Here</name></refresh></external-list></system></request>&key="API Key" Syntax for 8 is https://<firewall ip>/api/?type=op&cmd=<request><system><external-list><refresh><type><ip> <name>Type your EBL Name Here</name></ip> </type></refresh></external-list></system></request>&key="API Key" Have fun with PAN OS. Thanks. Have a good da
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