Time is important for you to check logs. This time I'd like to show you how to configure NTP Server in HP Procurve Switches. HP Switches are only support less secure SNTP instead of NTP. OK. Let's Configure! Login to your switch with console/terminal and type following commands for your sntp server configuration. configure terminal timesync sntp sntp unicast (Use this command if you want to use only one NTP server) (or) sntp broadcast (Use this command if you want to use more than one NTP server) sntp server priority 1 (or) sntp server (These above two commands are working on different model. Some model work first command and some model work second command. Please take note that you can configure maximum 3 NTP server for your switch. In my example, I use NTP server for Singapore) time timezone +480 (Formula for this command is GMT+Regional Time in Minute. I use Singapore Time and GMT+8. 8 hours in minute is 480. So result is GMT+48
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